HSE Launch Asbestos Survey

The HSE have launched a survey on the use of asbestos surveyors and analysts, as part of the legal duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises. The survey invites dutyholders to tell HSE about their experiences in these areas.
The HSE invite you to complete this survey on behalf of your organisation and, where appropriate, share this survey invitation via your communication channels so dutyholders across different sectors are given the opportunity to take part.
Why is HSE doing this survey?
The survey forms part of HSE’s work to deliver the Government’s accepted recommendations from the Work and Pensions Select Committee following their inquiry into HSE’s approach to asbestos management.
HSE is gathering information to build a comprehensive picture of the scale of awareness, action and behaviours in the area of asbestos surveyors and analysts. The information we gather will help us to understand how any potential changes in these areas could improve the management of asbestos risk.
Who can complete the survey?
The survey is relevant to people who have commissioned the services of an asbestos surveyor or surveying organisation; and/or, have commissioned the services of an asbestos analyst (via an analytical organisation) where licensed asbestos removal activity has taken place.
Why take part?
Those who take part in the survey will help HSE to build evidence which will inform how the recommendations are implemented.
Is survey participation voluntary
Absolutely! You can find out more about how long the survey may take and how we protect the information you provide in the introduction to the survey. We want to reassure you that if you decide to take part:
• No information will be used for regulatory inspection purposes.
• The survey is anonymous, but you can choose to provide an email address if you wish to be recontacted about your response, or to take part in future research.
• Any and all data is processed in line with HSE's privacy policy (www.hse.gov.uk/privacy.htm)
Visit here to take part in this survey, which is due to close on 8 December 2023.