HSE Respiratory Inspection Initiative - Content needed
During October HSE are once again running their respiratory inspection initiative on construction sites. Throughout the month, inspections will focus on respiratory risks and occupational lung disease, looking at the measures businesses have in place to protect their workers’ lungs from the likes of silica and wood dust.

HSE is looking for support in raising awareness of the initiative and is calling for content to share, in the run up to, and during the campaign itself. In summary:
Photographs and short video clips of on-site activities that potentially risk workers respiratory health (see document for list of at risk activities)
Photographs and short video clips of construction workers to help raise awareness of the respiratory health initiative - ideally, like video clips of a broad range or workers (different ages, ethnic backgrounds, male and female, varied job roles). This can be an individual being filmed, or two or three co-workers filmed together. Workers on site, possibly holding a sign’ Dust Kills’
More detail including example scripts are available here.
If you can support this please get in touch with nick.courtney@hse.gov.uk.
Thanks in advance for your help!